

Thursday, January 2, 2014

A year of the unexpected has set and a year of living in thankfulness has risen

Good riddance 2013 you were truly an awful year! But, that's actually not 100% true. The beginning of the year you blessed us with joy and excitement. But then March came and sorrow started Creep in at the seams. You were slow in the beginning.  But then you came With blips of joy and wonderfulness until Midsummer. Then it was if someone put out all fires that were buring bright. Emptiness filled our surroundings. Grasping, we reached for anything in the dark. Nothing to be found but Christ. And then friends. And laughter. And dinners. Drinks. Pictures. Songs. Pomes. Hugs. Shopping. Crying. Coffee. And friends and laughter. 

We lost a lot of people who we love this year. Death has been on our lips and in our ears more than we ever thought in 2013. Monster understands death more than I did at his age. He speaks about it so matter-of-factly with his 5 year old strong conviction and stone like faith. I, on the other hand stumble. Like my good friend, Nadine, said " when you are used to birth, death is profound." That is so very true. It's so hard for me to get pass the lie that death, it's self, IS. It causes fractures in my heart. 

But the loss has not been without gain. Our family learned what it is meant to participate in community. We also understand now what it means to receive from the community. We started homeschooling this year which has been a wonderful adventure. An adventure that has shattered all preconceived notions and expectations, myths and lies that I choose to believe before we started. Monster and WuWu enjoy our assignments and their eyes fill with wonderment and hunger for more learning. It has been a blessing! And I can soundly say, we are lifers! ......maybe! 

We traveled to see friends in New Orleans in February... It rained. Then a trip to Navarre in September... It rained. But, that did not stop our fun! Monster learn how to swim by himself! WuWu learned too as well! Mama Higley lost 20... Then may or may have not gained back 15. Papa Higley is one of the top preformers in his company and I couldn't be more proud!

We spent the winter sick and in the house. We spent the spring shuttling from school and therapy. We spent the summer outside, in the water, mud, obnoxious sunshine and rain. We ate grapes, tomatoes, and watermelon. We spent the fall at the library, lunch picnics, sipping cider, soccer practice, reading on our couch, learning how to make french food, taking parenting classes ( Loving our kids on Pourpse ) and enjoying our church family. We ended 2013 with WuWu having surgery and a Christmas where we said 'YES' to joy and we spent way. Too. Much! and now as we enter 2014 We are back on GAPS, we are headed to Disney, my lesson plans are kicking butt, focusing on grace and love, and no matter what happens this year, the Higley New Years resolution is to live in full Thankfullness and gratitude. Thankful for the mess. thankful for the heartbreak .thankful for the laughter and the joys that will come this year. Thankful even when we feel like there is nothing to be thankful for. 

Happy New Year, friends! May this year be filled with relentless joy for you and your families! 

With love, 
The Higley clan